What is the meaning of the furniture term Streaking?

Streaking refers to the occurrence of irregular striping or markings in the grain of wood. These streaks can vary in thickness, color, and direction, and they often add a unique and attractive character to the wood. However, streaking can also make the wood grain appear less uniform and may affect its overall aesthetic appeal.

Cross-fire figures, on the other hand, occur when the streaks or irregular striping in the wood grain intersect or cross each other, forming distinctive patterns. These figures can create a captivating and dynamic look, adding visual interest to the wood.

Mottled figures, similar to cross-fire figures, are another type of marking found in wood. They refer to the irregular and patchy distribution of streaks or markings throughout the wood grain, creating a mottled or spotted appearance. Mottled figures give the wood a unique and organic look, reminiscent of natural patterns found in stones or animal skins.

Both cross-fire and mottled figures are highly sought after by woodworkers and furniture makers as they can add depth and character to the finished piece. These figures are often enhanced and brought out through various finishing techniques, such as sanding, staining, or applying a clear coat.

Streaking, cross-fire figures, and mottled figures contribute to the individuality and beauty of wood, making each piece unique and distinctive.
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